My journey dealing with secondary infertility in this crazy fertile world.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I know it sounds weird, but I was so excited to have 6 comments! After being gone so long....I felt as though everyone would forget about me. You guys are awesome. So, as motivates me to blog more.

I really just don't know where time goes. Knowing FOR SURE that Carson will be my last baby, I want time to slow down and enjoy every minute. I still can't believe Cooper will almost be 3. It is so fabulous that most of the blogs I followed/follow were all ttc the same time as me. I had that major guilt feeling when I got pregnant and most of you were still ttc. Now, most of you I can happily say are nearing the end of your own pregnancy and it is just thrilling to follow. For those of you still trying, I have faith that you will get your very own BFP!

I will definitely blog more about my upcoming hernia surgery which I am dreading. I also have questions for those of you with little ones of your own. Happy Weekend everyone, and thanks again for reading after all this time! XOXO

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm Ba-ack

Thank you for all who have "checked in on me" over the last couple of months. Life has been INSANE to say the least and I just could not fit blogging in. I have, however, been reading lots of blogs so I am still following all of you. Elaine...I love the name. My first son's middle name is Mason. :) We always have so much in common!

So, Carson is 3 months old today to be exact. It feels like he was born yesterday and a year ago all at the same time. It was also almost exactly a year ago that I conceived him. Where does time go?

I plan to get back into blogging mode b/c I have so much to say. It has been a rollercoaster of a ride, that is for sure. To top it off...I am having hernia surgery in January. A lovely parting gift from my pregnancy.

I hope I still have some readers left. If you do still happen to read me, drop me a one liner and I want to start adding all the blogs I follow to my BlogReader.