My journey dealing with secondary infertility in this crazy fertile world.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The appointment

As you know, I was really looking forward to the appointment w/ my doctor yesterday. Well, I am slightly satisfied with the outcome. At least I feel that there is some sort of forward progress. Doc (I'll refer to his as that from now on) said that I have to take a break from the fertility drugs as it is not good to be on them continuously. We talked about a lot. Doc strongly suspects endo. When he noticed that it took me 3 years to conceive my son, he recommended doing a laporoscopy (spelling!). Also, my husband is to have a semen analysis done on Monday. He was NOT too happy about this. I will save that story for a post all in itself. He was not exactly on board with doing an IUI yet. It was an emotional day, but amazingly I got through the appointment without crying. I am sooooo tired today due to an emotionally draining night, but I wanted to update on the appointment. I know you have all been on the edge of your!

I can't believe less than 2 weeks till Christmas!!!


AwkwardMoments said...

Well, I am sorry about the emotionally draining day. But the Doc sounds like he has a good game plan a brewin'. Good luck gettin all ready for christmas

Heather said...

well, at least it's done and you are able to move on to the next step, right? i'm sorry it was a difficult appointment and that hubby doesn't seem to be on the same page in some ways...

p.s. i must have left you a comment on your blog while i was signed in under my OTHER blog - i saw you left a comment ( - that's my non-fertility blog :).

Elaine said...

I've had a laparoscopy done myself. It's not to terribly painful. Removing the endo can only benefit you. I'm glad you got some answers even if he is making you take a break from the meds. Probably would do your ovaries some good to take a month off though.

Searching said...

My hubby refuses to do an SA, so not sure what we will do if it comes to that. Men are such wimps about it. I just had my 2nd lap a month ago so let me know if you decide to go for it and want a few recovery tips!

nancy said...

Don't worry about the laps, they aren't that bad! I've had 2 myself. If anything at all, it gives you peace to know what is or no going on in there.

I hope your hubby just does the S/A without complaint. With how much WE have to do about it, a little embarrassment can be undertaken.

I'm glad you have the beginnings of a plan.

Amanda said...

In January my husband had to have a SA done and although he wasn't happy about doing it, he wanted to know what was wrong. He wanted the problem to be something with him instead of me, because he didn't want me to blame myself for our fertility issues.

Anyways, I hope that your husband will get on the same page as you regarding the IUI. I'm sorry that you had an emotionally draining day and I'm glad that your doctor has an idea of what could be wrong and tests that can be done to diagnos the problem! :)

I hope that you will have a Merry Christmas!! :)

MoonNStarMommy said...

{{{HUGS}}} Glad the appointment was some what satisfing at least!!!