My journey dealing with secondary infertility in this crazy fertile world.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Miracle

First of all...thank you so much those of you who have given me so much support over the last 2 days as I have been waiting. It means more than you know as my husband and I have decided not to share our news with anyone IRL.

It has been a wondeful day filled with great news. :) I called my doc this morning after I couldn't take it anymore. The nurse said my levels were good. I regret that I didn't get the exact number, but it was good enough that I don't need to repeat the test. Also, my P4 was good so that I don't need to use the suppositories.

I am still in shock and have to keep pinching myself. Ironically, this happened right when my doc said I had to take a break from the meds. We had already scheduled a SA and a lap. It truly is a Christmas miracle. Please send as many sticky vibes as possible. Right now I am going to try to think positive and enjoy this as long as I can. I hope that is for 8 more months.

Merry Christmas to you all and the Happiest New Year filled with BFPs for all!!!!!


Amanda said...

Yay!!!! Hooray!!!! Congrats!!!

I can't wait to hear all the wonderful updates you'll have to offer!


AwkwardMoments said...


Elaine said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a great feeling that we would be reading this wonderful news! Congratulations! What a wonderful Christmas gift!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful wonderful news! Congratulations!!!


coolingstar9 said...

I am coolingstar9, just drop by your site and learn your storey. be strong, may all good things come to you.

Amanda said...

Wow! That is awesome!!! CONGRATULATIONS & Merry Christmas!!!

MoonNStarMommy said...

Whoooooooohooooooo CONGRATS!!!

I know I haven't been posting comments lately - too much going on with the kids I don't have time to keep up like I wish I did (don't we all wish for down time!?!?) ... {{{BIG HUGS}}} & I hope you had a WONDERFUL Holiday!!!